
The Pastoral Epistles: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

In contrast with other Pauline epistles addressed to churches, the pastoral epistles were written to individuals and were very personal. Yet in their personal nature, they were communicating information to the communities to which Timothy and Titus were ministering, says Donald Guthrie. “They are the natural and human expressions of the apostle’s own reflections about the future of the work he is...

mastery of’ or more colloquially ‘lord it over’. In public meetings Christian women must refrain from laying down the law to men and hence are enjoined to silence. It may be that Paul has mainly in mind married women and that man should be here understood as ‘husband’, although this would not be so relevant if church meetings are mainly in view. Indeed, the concluding injunction to silence could not apply to the Christian home and the whole verse must therefore relate to the assembly. 13. In 1 Corinthians
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